25 July 2009

Javiér from "Segundo Mundo" expressing the sentiment that while each of us wants what he doesn't have, we nonetheless respect differences, whether it wears a suit and carries a briefcase or floats while playing klezmer music. 105 x 105 mm.

24 July 2009

Businessmen reviewing the malleability of reality as changeable up to the point ideas cease to reveal desirable scenarios. Limited only by self-imposed accessories. 105 x 105 mm.

23 July 2009

"... y soy un alcohólico." The first of twelve steps in curing the most overindulgent tree species in Argentina. "Palo borracho" means "drunken tree" which relates to its desert induced hoarding habits that leaves it visibly loaded. 105 x 105 mm

22 July 2009

Unintentionally reminiscent of the Joan Osbourne video where the angel skates among the beachgoers on the boardwalk, reflecting how we unconsciously mill about never knowing what talents strangers might possess. 105 x 105 mm.

21 July 2009

With the "Gripe Porcina" crippling any chance of tourism happening in Buenos Aires during the "economic crisis," people worry themselves to no end. But, as they casually conclude, "estamos hablando al pedos." 105 x 105 mm.

20 July 2009

The "Hormigas Negras" entertaining onlookers with dreadlocked mix of ska, reggae, and folk music on a busy afternoon in Buenos Aires. They willingly exchanged their latest album for this drawing. 148 x 148 mm.

19 July 2009

Tucked into the acutest angle of the odd-shaped Plazoleta Carlos Pellegrini in Buenos Aires, the French Embassy paused its seductive dance routine long enough to be inked. It has since resumed dancing. 148 x 148 mm.

18 July 2009

Sundays in Sal Telmo bulge with activity as the artesian fair spills onto the streets and squares. With an effective con routine, this and other drawings have been sold for less than they´re worth, but expenses have been recooperated in the unquantifiable experience of illegally hawking drawings in Buenos Aires. 148 x 148 mm.

17 July 2009

With ample "heps" and "hos" and hand symbols, the klezmer-blend band "Segundo Mundo" livened the darkening cobbled streets of San Telmo on Sunday evening in Buenos Aires. An exchange of visual for audio art was easily agreed upon. Likeness to the clarinetist is incidental. 148 x 148 mm.

16 July 2009

With barbeque fumes surfing on the capital's namesake (Good Winds), the building ached for a medium-rare hue. 148 x 148 mm.

15 July 2009

People say that living in Buenos Aires is cheaper than dying there (if Recoleta Cemetery is the desired resting place). This ¨mundito¨ shows a contorted juxtaposition of life and death and where they reside. 148 x 148 mm.